- Our Thanksgiving feast is coming up next Tuesday. This feast is for all students. We are asking everyone to contribute something to the feast and first grade is contributing the corn. We are asking that everyone bring a can or two of corn to school by Monday, November 22nd.
- If your child is bringing a jacket to school please make sure it has your child's name somewhere on it. If they would like to wear it inside the classroom it must be solid red, navy blue or white.
- The first grade holiday program will be on Thursday, December 16th at 2pm in the cafeteria.
- Please make sure your child is completing their entire homework packet(including the reading log) and bringing it to school on Friday.
- There will be no school next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday November 24-26th. I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday!
1. table
2. bubble
3. puzzle
4. beetle
5. single
6. title
7. apple
8. candle
9. people
10. because
Bonus words:
1. Tuesday
2. Thanksgiving