If you have any questions during the summer please feel free to e-mail me at jcochran@lpatucson.org.
Here is the 1st grade supply list:
**Please do NOT label these items as they will be shared by all students**
4 boxes of crayons
5 glue sticks
two packages of SHARPENED pencils
1 package of markers
large erasers (not the kind that fit on the end of a pencil)
1 pair of small fiskars scissors
1 one subject wide lined spiral notebook
2 dry erase markers
crayola 8 color water colors
4 plastic 2 pocket folders
3 boxes of kleenex
baby wipes
paper towels
2 packages of primary wide lined paper
1 package of chap stick
1 package of large band-aids
1 bottle of wound wash saline solution
Classroom WISH list
construction paper (all colors)
scotch tape
masking tape
washable markers (fat)
dry erase markers
ream of plain white copy paper
cardstock paper
liquid tempura paint
paper plates (cheap - often used for art projects)
hand sanitizer
ziplock sandwich bags
packages of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
Have a wonderful and safe summer! I look forward to seeing you all on August 11th!
Miss Cochran