Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here are the spelling words for this week:

1. can't
2. hasn't
3. didn't
4. I'll
5. he's
6. it's
7. we'll
8. you're

Bonus words:
1. don't
2. won't

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I hope you all had a fantastic few days off with your children. All the kids came to school excited and ready to learn yesterday!

Conferences are this week. If you have not already signed up, please do so as soon as possible. There is a sign up sheet on my door. If you cannot make it to a conference this week please let me know, and we can figure out a time that will work for you.

We are collecting bags of candy for Harvest Fest, please send them in to school with your child.

Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. does
2. goes
3. going
4. asked
5. west
6. went
7. well
8. sudden
9. ringing
10. was

Bonus words:
1. four
2. five

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Here are the spelling words for this week:

1. that
2. them
3. math
4. bath
5. this
6. three
7. green
8. bee
9. see
10. sleep

Bonus words:
1. one
2. two

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spelling for the week of September 23rd

Here are the spelling words for this week:

1. are
2. from
3. blimp
4. him
5. mom
6. land
7. sand
8. grand
9. stop
10. last

Bonus word:
1. friend

Friday, September 16, 2011

Here are the spelling words for next week:

1. rat
2. snaps
3. raft
4. cat
5. cost
6. clap
7. skip
8. skin

Bonus word:
1. stand

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12th

Here are a few of the things coming up this week:

  • Peter Piper Pizza NIght Out is on Thursday from 6-8pm at the Peter Piper Pizza on Broadway across from the Park Mall.

  • The entertainment book sale has ended. Please return the book or $30 to school as soon as possible.

  • Grandparent's Day is this Wednesday. There will be an informational meeting in the cafeteria and then you will be able to come visit our classroom.

  • Please make sure you are practicing letter names, letter sounds, and sounding out words at home. All children can benefit from practicing these things at home!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at jcochran@lpatucson.org. I will respond within 24 hours.

Here are the spelling words for this week:

  1. go

  2. got

  3. glass

  4. had

  5. his

  6. hill

  7. from

Bonus word:

  1. Sunday

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 6, 2011

I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend! Here are some things that we have coming up:
  • The entertainment book sale is ending this week. Please return the books or money to school as soon as possible. The cost for the book is $30.
  • I sent home a lot of notes in their homework folders yesterday. Please make sure you look over these to see what is going on at LPA!
  • Please make sure your child is bringing the homework folder to school everyday. Please also make sure to look over it and take out all the notes and finished work that is sent home.

Here are the spelling words for the week:

  1. stop
  2. lost
  3. pans
  4. so
  5. no
  6. you*
  7. of*

Bonus word:

  1. plant

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We have had a great start to the school year! I am having so much fun getting to know all of my new students and and looking forward to spending the year with them.

Homework packets went home on Friday. The spelling words for this week are:
1. top
2. the
3. on
4. and
5. the*

*This word is a sight word and cannot be sounded out, it needs to be memorized.

Here are a couple of announcements for this week:

  • Picture day is this Thursday, August 25th. Please make sure your child is in uniform for these pictures because these are the pictures that will be used for the yearbook. Envelopes to purchase the pictures went home last week. Please make sure they are turned in no later than Thursday morning if you would like to buy pictures.

  • Entertainment books went home yesterday. If you do not want to buy or sell the entertainment book, please return it to school. If youwould like to sell it please look at the letter enclosed with the entertainment book for more information.

  • Open House is next Wednesday, August 31st from 6-8pm. It is a great chance to come in and see our classroom, as well as attend the firrst SPIN meeting of the year in the cafeteria. I hope to see you all there!

  • Please make sure your child is bringing their homework folder every single day!
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know! My e-mail address is jcochran@lpatucson.org.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Welcome to 1st grade!

Welcome to a new school year! First grade is such a fun and exciting time and I cannot wait to meet all of my new 1st graders! I just wanted to let you know a few things that will be happening in the next couple days.

Tomorrow your child will be bringing home a homework folder. Please read the information in the folder and return all of the forms that need to be filled out as soon as possible. Please also send the homework folder back to school with your child everyday.

The first two days will be learning our rules and procedures and getting to know all of our new classmates. I will try and ease the kids into first grade and then we will start with our regular work and schedule on Monday.

There will be a lot of class information coming home tomorrow but if you have any questions about anything please let me know! E-mail is the easiest way to reach me, and my e-mail address is jcochran@lpatucson.org. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions throughout the year.

I am so excited about this year and I will see you all tomorrow!

Miss Cochran

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Welcome to all my incoming first graders! I am looking forward to a fantastic year and I cannot wait to meet each and every one of you!

If you have any questions during the summer please feel free to e-mail me at jcochran@lpatucson.org.

Here is the 1st grade supply list:

**Please do NOT label these items as they will be shared by all students**
4 boxes of crayons
5 glue sticks
two packages of SHARPENED pencils
1 package of markers
large erasers (not the kind that fit on the end of a pencil)
1 pair of small fiskars scissors
1 one subject wide lined spiral notebook
2 dry erase markers
crayola 8 color water colors
4 plastic 2 pocket folders
3 boxes of kleenex
baby wipes
paper towels
2 packages of primary wide lined paper

1 package of chap stick
1 package of large band-aids
1 bottle of wound wash saline solution

Classroom WISH list
construction paper (all colors)
scotch tape
masking tape
washable markers (fat)
dry erase markers
ream of plain white copy paper
cardstock paper
liquid tempura paint
paper plates (cheap - often used for art projects)
hand sanitizer
ziplock sandwich bags
packages of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

Have a wonderful and safe summer! I look forward to seeing you all on August 11th!

Miss Cochran

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spelling words:
1. again
2. away
3. were
4. why
5. where
6. what
7. when
8. who
9. how
10. does

Bonus words:
1. second
2. computer

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here are the spelling words for this week:

1. are
2. because
3. should
4. would
5. could
6. climbed
7. busy
8. been
9. come
10. some

Bonus words:
1. character
2. picture

We will have spelling and homework as usual this week. Please make sure it is done and turned in on Friday!

The book fair is going on this week! It is buy one get one free and will be open in the library during the following times:
Tuesday and Thursday: 3:15-4:30
Wednesday: 12:00-1:00 and 4:00-6:00
Friday: 8:00-10:00
This is a great chance to get some summer reading books for your child!

We will be going on an end of the year field trip to Brandi Fenton Park which is a splash park and a park. Permission slips will be coming home soon. The cost will be $4 which will include a pizza lunch. More information will come home soon!

Have a fantastic week!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18, 2011

We have just over a month until school is out. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! I have a couple announcements and reminders for you this week.

There will be no school on Thursday, Friday or Monday, April 21st, 22nd, and 25th. I hope you have a nice few days off with your kids.

Spirit week is coming up! Here are the dress days:
Wednesday, April 20th: Jersey Day/Sports Day
Tuesday, April 26th: Hippie Day
Wednesday, April 27th: Free Dress Down Day
Thursday, April 28th: PJ Day
Friday, April 29th: Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat Day
If your child does not dress up in the theme for the day they need to be in uniform!

This week is the penny war! We will be raising money for the American Heart Association and March of Dimes. There is more information about this in my newsletter and in the link.

I did give homework and spelling this week. The packet is meant to cover the next two weeks, and is not due until April 29th. Also the spelling test will be on April 29th. The packet is longer than usual since it is going to cover more time. If you have any problems with getting it done please let me know!

The booklet fundraiser ends on Wednesday so please send any money or unsold books back to school.

Here are the spelling words:

1. weird
2. either
3. vein
4. reindeer
5. veil
6. new
7. few
8. grew
9. knew
10. threw

Bonus words:
1. knocked
2. subtraction

Monday, April 11, 2011

Here are the spelling words for this week: 1. when 2. where 3. why 4. whistle 5. whale 6. wash 7. ball 8. watch 9. hall 10. small Bonus words: 1. polygon 2. congruent Please remember there is no homework packet this week, just spelling words.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here are the spelling words for next week: 1. cage 2. bridge 3. each 4. switch 5. pouch 6. pie 7. lie 8. niece 9. piece 10. field Bonus words: 1. April 2. elephant

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

Don't forget that picture day is tomorrow! Picture money is due when the pictures are taken. Dress is parent's choice for the pictures but please keep in mind that we do have P.E. and recess so if you do not want the clothes to get dirty you may want to send a change of clothes. Here are the spelling words for this week: 1. knot 2. know 3. write 4. knee 5. sign 6. knock 7. wrist 8. wreath 9. climbed 10. would Bonus words: 1. Tucson 2. timeline

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great few days off with your children!

Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. phone
2. graph
3. phonics
4. dolphin
5. phase
6. germ
7. magic
8. age
9. page
10. digit

Bonus words:
1. spring
2. ladybug

Monday, March 14, 2011

There is no school this Thursday and Friday, March 17th and 18th. Wednesday is a half day with no after school. Please make sure your child is picked up right at 11:30! Have a great break!

Book orders are now due Wednesday. If you would like to send them in please do so!

There will be no homework and no spelling this week. Please make sure your child keeps reading over the break!

Your child can wear a green shirt or St. Patrick's Day shirt and jeans or Friday dress to school on Wednesday.

Spring pictures are on March 29th. Your child does not have to wear their uniform for these pictures but if you dress them in clothes you do not want to get ruined you may want to send a change of clothes. We do have P.E. and recess that day.

Have a great few days off with your child! I will see you back at school on Monday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I just have a couple quick reminders for you this week:

Book orders are due this Friday. Please send the order form and cash or a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs to school by Friday if you would like to order something.

Next Wednesday is report card day! This means it is a half day with no after school and no lunch. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up promptly at 11:30. There will also be no school on Thursday and Friday, March 17th and 18th.

Here are the spelling words for this week:

1. kind
2. turkey
3. key
4. float
5. told
6. gold
7. child
8. most
9. boat
10. soapy

Bonus words:
1. insect
2. butterfly

Have a great week!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Spelling Words:
1. fault
2. pause
3. caution
4. August
5. sauce
6. saw
7. drawing
8. straw
9. jaw
10. because

Bonus Words:
1. caring
2. respectful

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Don't forget this week is a short week! There will be no school on Thursday or Friday for Rodeo break. There will be after school program as usual on Wednesday.

There is no homework or spelling this week because it is a short week. Please be sure to read with your child all week even though there is no homework!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tomorrow is pajama day. Your child can wear their pajamas and bring their favorite books to school. Please make sure their names are in the book and they are wearing their regular shoes because we have P.E. tomorrow.

Friday is dress like a character day. Your child can dress like their favorite character from a book. They need to be able to tell me the character name and the book it is from.

Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. important
2. very
3. only
4. nation
5. section
6. fraction
7. lotion
8. portion
9. information
10. motion

Bonus words:
1. Valentine
2. Arizona

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

Thank you to all the parents for getting their kids to school and on time on the 100th day! All of the kids in our class were here and on time! Thanks again!

This Wednesday is dollar dress down day. If your child brings in a dollar they do not have to wear their uniform.

Cookie dough fundraiser information goes home today.

Next week is Love of Reading week. We will have a lot of fun activities going on to celebrate our love of reading! I will home more information on this later in the week.

Next week I will be sending home a list of the names of the children in our class for Valentine's Day cards. I will also send home some information on what we will be doing for Valentine's Day in our classroom.

Please make sure your child is completing and turning in their homework packet every week! We had quite a few people missing all or part of their homework this past Friday.

Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. eat
2. each
3. dream
4. bread
5. great
6. break
7. head
8. riding
9. played
10. careful

Bonus words:
1. suffix
2. February

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

Today is the 100th Day of School! Thank you to everyone who had their students at school and on time today!

We do have homework again this week. Please make sure your child is completeing the entire packet! The majority of my class goes to the after school program and the kids have an hour to work on their homework during after school. If you would like your child to work on their homework during the after school program please make sure to send it to school in their folders every day. The reading log must be completed in order for homework to be considered complete. Students who do not complete their homework miss out on free time on Friday.

Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. lady
2. bacon
3. crazy
4. zero
5. even
6. pilot
7. female
8. open
9. from
10. are

Bonus words:
1. tomorrow
2. hundred