Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We have had a great start to the school year! I am having so much fun getting to know all of my new students and and looking forward to spending the year with them.

Homework packets went home on Friday. The spelling words for this week are:
1. top
2. the
3. on
4. and
5. the*

*This word is a sight word and cannot be sounded out, it needs to be memorized.

Here are a couple of announcements for this week:

  • Picture day is this Thursday, August 25th. Please make sure your child is in uniform for these pictures because these are the pictures that will be used for the yearbook. Envelopes to purchase the pictures went home last week. Please make sure they are turned in no later than Thursday morning if you would like to buy pictures.

  • Entertainment books went home yesterday. If you do not want to buy or sell the entertainment book, please return it to school. If youwould like to sell it please look at the letter enclosed with the entertainment book for more information.

  • Open House is next Wednesday, August 31st from 6-8pm. It is a great chance to come in and see our classroom, as well as attend the firrst SPIN meeting of the year in the cafeteria. I hope to see you all there!

  • Please make sure your child is bringing their homework folder every single day!
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know! My e-mail address is jcochran@lpatucson.org.

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