We are still looking for donations of canned corn. Please send them to school by next Tuesday for our Thanksgiving Feast. The Thanksgiving Feast is served free of charge to all students at our school, and will be served on Tuesday so your child does not need to bring lunch or lunch money on that day. We need enough corn to feed 750 people so please send in a couple cans if you are able!
We are getting to the time of the year when kids start wearing jackets to school. Your child can wear any color of jacket outside, but if they want to wear it in the classroom it must be solid red, white or navy blue. Please make sure you put your child's name somewhere on the jacket. It can also be helpful to put our room number, 307, on the jacket. This makes it easier for people to bring it back to the right place if it gets lost. As you can imagine, we have a lot of identical jackets around school so without a name it is pretty common for a kid to pick up the wrong jacket thinking it is theirs.
If you child wants to wear anything under their uniform, for example leggings or an undershirt with long sleeves, it must also be red, white or navy blue.
We will have our first grade Christmas program on December 11th at 2:00pm in the cafeteria. First grade has their Christmas program separate from the rest of the school so please make a note of the different date. We'd love to see you all there!
We have a penny war going on this week to benefit a school affected by Hurricane Sandy. If you have any extra change laying around please feel free to send it in! Thank you!
There will be no school next Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
because of the Thanksgiving holiday. This means that homework will be sent home
this Friday as usual, but it won’t be due back until the Friday after the
break, November 30th. The spelling test for those words will be
given on November 30th as well.
Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. cry
2. sleepy
3. eraser
4. might
5. silly
6. fry
7. high
8. butter
9. sly
10. sharper
Bonus words:
1. Autumn
2. leaf
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