Friday, November 2, 2012

November 5, 2012

Please make sure you are reading the link every week for the school wide announcements. My newsletter is mostly used for classroom announcements, so please read them both! If there is a week where I do not have any special classroom announcements I will not send home a classroom newsletter.

We are preparing for our school wide Thanksgiving feast. Every class contributes something to the feast and first grade's food is corn. Please send in a can or two of corn to contribute to the feast. We need to have enough corn to feed close to 800 people so if you can contribute a couple cans it would be very much appreciated! Please send it in the can, we cannot serve premade food at school. We need the corn by Monday, November 19th. Thank you so much for your help!

Here are the spelling words for the week:

1. stable
2. ruffle
3. simple
4. puddle
5. little
6. jingle
7. uncle
8. muzzle
9. hassle
10. pickle
Bonus words:
1. turkey
2. Thanksgiving

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