Friday, October 23, 2009

Spelling Words

This week we are doing contractions. Please make sure your child knows the correct place for the apostrophe in the word.

1. isn't
2. aren't
3. we'll
4. I've
5. we're
6. can't
7. let's

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Upcoming events

Here are a couple of reminders for you:

If you would like to schedule a conference with me regarding your child's progress please let me know.

We are getting into the season where a lot of children are getting sick. Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever or if they have been throwing up.

I have had a few people ask me about Halloween costumes. The children are not allowed to wear their costumes to school on Friday, October 30th. They can wear them to Harvest Fest on that evening if they would like.

Here are some of the important dates and events we have coming up:

21-The Sally Foster and cookie dough sales end. If you sold something please return the envelope and money to school. If you didn't sell anything the envelope does not need to be returned.

22-Picture retakes-If your child was not in school that day they will be getting their picture taken on this day.

22-Chick-fil-a fundraiser from 4-8pm at the El Con Mall Chick-fil-a -There is a form you can give them so our school will get a percentage of the cost of your order. If you need one, or need extras to give a friend or a neighbor please let me know!

30-Harvest Fest at the Lakeside campus from 6-9pm- We are asking for candy donations for the Harvest Fest. If you can donate anything please drop it off in our classroom or send it to school with your child.

4- Dollar dress down day

5- PTO meeting-6:30-7:30 in the cafeteria

11-Veteran's Day-There is no school on this day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Spelling List

Here is the spelling list for the upcoming week.

1. trust
2. jumping
3. just
4. fun
5. stump
6. lunch
7. runs
8. club
9. plum
10. snug