Friday, August 27, 2010

The first two weeks of first grade have gone great! Here are a few announcements about important things coming up:

Monday is picture day. Please make sure your child is in uniform because these pictures will be used for the year book. There is a picture order form in your child's homework folder if you are interested in buying pictures.

Wednesday is our first dollar duds day. Your child can pay a dollar and wear any school appropriate clothes on that day. This money is used for our classroom and is used for art and science experiment supplies and other supplies needed during the year.

Wednesday is also open house! I would love to see you all there! Open house will go from 6:00-8:00. There will be presentations in the cafeteria and the classrooms will all be open. The book fair will also be open during open house. This is a great chance to come check out our classroom and find out a little about what we will be learning this year!

Please make sure your child is bringing their homework folder and behavior chart to school every single day! This is very important! Please also make sure you are checking your child's behavior chart everyday.

If you ever have any questions about anything going on in first grade please let me know! The best way to reach me is by e-mail at You can also call the school and leave a message.

Here are the spelling words for the upcoming week:
1. me
2. I
3. was
4. help
5. did

Monday, August 16, 2010

This week will be our first week for homework! Homework packets will come home today. Please complete them and return them to school on Friday. A spelling list will be included in the homework packet. The spelling test will be on Friday as well. Here are the spelling words for this week:
1. the
2. and
3. is
4. can
5. not

Please make sure your child can read and spell these words.

I am looking forward to another great week in first grade!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Welcome to first grade!

I am so excited to meet you all! School starts on Thursday at 8:30 and our classroom is Room 307.

During the year I will be using this blog to post spelling lists, upcoming activities, what we have been doing in first grade and other important information. I typically will update it once a week so be sure to check and see what is going on in our class!

I will be sending home a lot of important information and forms that need to be returned so please check your child's backpack when they get home on Thursday. I am looking forward to a great year and I will see you all on Thursday!

Miss Cochran