Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 19, 2012

There is no school on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week for Thanksgiving. I also wanted to let you know that our last day of school before Christmas is December 19th. It is a half day with no after school. 

Thank you so much to everyone who sent in corn. You can still send it in tomorrow if you would like! The Thanksgiving feast is tomorrow. It is served free of charge to all students at the school so your child does not need to bring a lunch or lunch money for tomorrow.

Just a reminder that our first grade Christmas program is on Tuesday, December 11th at 2pm in the cafeteria. I hope to see you all there!

The weather is starting to turn cold so a lot of kids are bringing jackets to school. If your child wants to wear it inside the classroom it must be solid red, white or navy blue. They can wear any color jacket outside. Please put their name on all jackets! There are a lot of identical jackets so they are easily mixed up without names. It can also help to put our room number, 307, on the jacket so if it gets left outside it can be returned to the proper place. Please also remember that all clothes that are worn under the uniform and visible need to be red, white or navy blue as well. 

The Display My Art materials will be coming home today. Your child completed a drawing at school and you can get it put on various items if you would like. Each child got a magnet with their design on it as well as an order form in case you would like to order anything. You can order online or return the form to school. The orders are due on November 26th so that we can get them back to you in time for the holidays. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know! The easiest way to reach me is via e-mail. My e-mail address is  

Here are the spelling words for the week. Please remember the spelling test will be given on November 30th.
1. cupcake
2. softness
3. lightly
4. colorless
5. paint
6. play
7. gray 
8. hopeless
9. lonely
10. explain
Bonus Words:
1. chilly
2. November

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