Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 12, 2013

We had a great first full week of 1st grade!  We are really focusing on remembering our rules and routines and reviewing some of the things they learned in kindergarten. The kids are doing a fantastic job!

Our first fundraiser starts today! Savings books are coming home. The cost is $20 and there is more information in the bag with the book. If you have any questions about it please let me know!

I am sending home our first book order today. This is a great chance to get books for your child at a great price. If you would like to order then please return the order form and cash or a check made out to Scholastic Books Orders by next Friday, August 24th. You can also order online. The website address along with our class code is on the order form. 

I made a mistake in our beginning of the year letter. The cost of school lunch is $2.50, not $2.25. I apologize for the mix up. If you would like an application for free or reduced lunch, I have a few in the classroom, or you can pick one up in the front office.

The kids have been doing a fantastic job of remembering to bring their folders every day! Please keep it up! If your child does not have a face in their folder for a day it means they forgot to turn their folder in. I do remind them a few times but sometimes they still forget. 

Our first homework packet/spelling list will go home this Friday. It will be due, and the spelling test will be given the following Friday. Homework will start off as only a few worksheets, and the amount of worksheets will increase as the year goes on. Homework reflects what we have been working on in class and is not meant to be too time consuming or difficult. If your child struggles with homework, chances are they struggling in class as well. If you ever have any questions or concerns about homework please let me know!

If you ever have any questions or concerns about anything that is happening in class please let me know! You can send a note in your child’s folder or send me an e-mail at I will typically get back to you within 24 hours.

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